With so many serious problems in the world, you might be feeling like a passive, helpless spectator. But don’t underestimate the power of continued, small actions that can make big changes. If you have a cause that’s close to your heart, read on to find out how to inspire the activist within you, and spur change.
Understanding activism
“Activism” doesn’t have to be a huge event. Nor does it have to be a picket and a protest. Sure, demonstrations send a strong message to legislators, but not every demonstration of activism has to be a protest the size of a women’s march.
Activism, in its smallest form, is caring enough about a problem to take action towards a solution. It’s about living a life that’s rooted in social justice, equity, self-awareness, and environmental awareness.
Quite simply, it can be bringing attention to situations that might otherwise go unnoticed. It could be doing research into something you’re passionate about, and then having a conversation.
Volunteering, engaging in thoughtful dialogues online, calling your local member during your lunch hour, discussing good causes over the dinner table – this all helps too. It’s called
‘sustained action’, and it’s the first step to being an activist.
8 ways to inspire the activist within you
There are a number of ways to wake your inner activist. You can:
1. Listen to music
Throughout history, music hasn’t just been a background presence. Music is a driver of real political change. From John Lennon’s, “Imagine” to Sam Cooke’s, “A Change is Gonna Come”, music has long been used as a tool to highlight social injustice and to ignite community activism.
Music is perhaps the most
powerful external influence that shapes who you are, how you think, how you feel, and who you become. Music communicates emotion, therefore you are what you listen to. It’s the soundtrack of your life and helps you determine the choices you make and the logic behind them. Create an activist playlist with songs like Madame Gandhi’s “
The Future is Female”, Miguel’s “
Now” and Yothu Yindi’s “
Tribal Voice” and find yourself thinking more thoughtfully about the lyrics of life.
2. Watch videos
Sometimes we need to be shocked into action. There are things that we can’t unsee and certain videos that will change the way you think forever.
A quick search on Google or YouTube and you’ll be met with a plethora of
undercover videos depicting the harsh realities of farmed animals. These videos share the truth and create an honest and open dialogue about how our animals make it from farm to fridge. Some videos can be overwhelming, so prepare yourself. Other videos to watch include the United Nation’s
Plastic Ocean and
River Blue, which tells the story of how fast fashion is killing the world’s river systems.
3. Read books
When you read a book, you feed your brain with the knowledge to
refine your thoughts and activities. The more you read, the more clarified life becomes.
Reading widens your mental horizons. It allows you to explore the world and discover new places, individuals, customs, traditions, and laws. Choose your books wisely and the inspiration you’ll garner from the words will shape you forever.
We suggest starting with
The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas, a book about courage, bravery, and perspective. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, but a great read. Another good place to start is
I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai, who fought against the Taliban for her right to an education.
4. Listen to podcasts
If reading isn’t your thing, try listening to a podcast with a purpose. There are a ton of awesome podcasts that put the revolution between your ears, sharing stories upon stories of generation change. From
The Humanist Hour to
The Peace Revolution to Deutsche Welle’s
Pulse series, there’s lots to inspire you.
5. Keep up with the news
Staying on top of the news means staying on top of the world’s leading problems. You can’t fight for justice if you bury your head in the sand.
Staying updated provides you with educational value. It opens your mind to new things and ideas. It gives you more topics to talk about and helps you form opinions to think more critically.
6. Utilise social media
We live in the age of virality, where some of the most powerful social movements of the 21st century – think the Arab Spring uprisings, #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo – sprawled to all corners of the earth at speed through the power of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionised activism, and allow us to connect with like-minded people in ways we’ve never been able to before. If there’s a cause you care about, there’s likely a whole community of people out there advocating for the same thing through social media. Strive to connect with them and rise up together.
7. Think before you buy
Think carefully about how things are made, from food and cotton clothing to fertilisers, ethanol and so-called “environmentally friendly” products. If it’s not clear, do some research before you buy. In other words, stop for a moment before every purchase and consider, “does this align with my beliefs and goals”?
8. Involve others
It’s important to remember that activism can’t be the voice of one person. Different perspectives create more authentic messages and movements, so make sure you invite others to the table.
Share your songs, books, podcasts, research, and stories. Invite friends to your next rally, information night, or forum. Speak with empathy to attract connections and surround yourself with people who share your views. Support each other to be the change.
Why activism matters
The bottom line is that waking your inner activist is waking your ability to act. It’s important to remember that activism doesn’t require an all-or-nothing approach. Small, simple changes can collectively lead to huge impact. If you’re interested in cruelty-free living, you could start by bringing some awareness to your own lifestyle, by mindfully considering what you eat, where you shop, and how you invest.
You don’t have to completely know the ins and outs of an issue to speak up about what you deem important, or what you think requires change. If you care about an issue, strive to learn and better understand it, and encourage change and progress where you can.
We love writing about cruelty-free investing and creating a kinder world, but please be aware that the information provided is general in nature, not personal or financial advice. When we discuss companies, it's not a recommendation to buy, hold or sell shares in that company. If we mention returns, please remember that past performance isn't a reliable indicator of future performance. Before acting on any information provided, you should consider if it's appropriate to you.
About the author: Freya Brent

Freya grew up surrounded by passionate advocates for all things good. She is particularly intrigued (read: angered) by the mountains of waste the human race produces. Freya has been thinking about her power as a consumer since she was 9 years old and turned away every piece of meat her family served on the dinner table. She has worked as a youth ambassador for OzHarvest Canberra and is trying her best to go 12 months without purchasing any new clothes (op shops only!). Freya is a proud and relentless feminist who is happy to speak her mind, especially when she hears people say "there's no such things a sexism in today's workforce". Freya likes to write about biodegradable toothbrushes, her journey to becoming a minimalist millennial, and her dream to live off the grid in a micro home with a year round veggie garden. Freya is our resident handball player, and we love to watch her cut it up on the court as well as in her kitchen when she bakes delicious vegan goodies for the office.